DELANEY PONTBRIAND - College Application Portfolio



Wood, foamboard, cardstock, hot glue, and paper.

This project is from an assignment from Roger Williams' pre-college program, where we were set to redesign a building in Newport, the "Black Dog," into an art museum relevant to the area. My theme was nautical art, so I chose to add some clapboards on the facade, with the other being open windows to let in natural light and a view of the nearby park.


Foam board, wood, paper, and cardboard.

This design is from an assignment where we designed a meeting place for two random people, and I was assigned Ray Charles and Van Gogh. I wanted to make it be their art interacting as well as the people, so I took inspiration from Van Gogh's, "Starry Night" and Ray Charles' piano. The shape of the landscape and platform mimics the piano, while the curved walls are based on Starry Night. Attached are my design process and final drawings of the design.


Gouache on paper. 

The assignment for this was to paint a neutral object of our choosing, so I chose to do a still life of a brown paper bag and focused on the highlights and contrast.


Gouache on paper. 

This is a still life I did in class of a crumpled piece of white paper in color instead of black and white. Figuring this one out was tricky, but I tried to highlight the contrast of the shadows.


Gouache on paper. 

This is a black-and-white still life of a glass of water from my painting class. I liked figuring out the light and shadow and how the colors would look in black and white.


Gouache on paper.

This is a still-life painting of a reflective metal goblet in black and white.

Character Design

Mixed media.

These are some original character designs that I did for fun, some just rough sketches and others more finished pieces, that are inspired by shows and games.